
God is Alive and Still Moving

Painful tragedies, sudden death, uncontrollable disasters, poverty, corruption, and many more. These are the things that pushed some of us to believe that maybe God is sleeping because He allowed these bad situations to happen. Maybe He is not there because people are still suffering. Maybe He doesn’t care because innocent human beings are still going through traumatic experiences. We find it so easy to conclude that God no longer cares. We base our faith in Him according to what we go through and what we see in our environment, but faith is not like that. It exists even if you can see bad things around you. In fact, you can effectively activate it the moment you choose to believe in God’s promises, even through the pain you experienced. You can receive faith the moment you believe with all your heart that God is moving, even if you can’t see any changes.

God is alive. Maybe you can’t feel it because you are too focused on your life to the point that you can no longer see His ways. Sometimes, your mind is consumed with worries that you can’t even appreciate the little yet very important things happening around you. The pain inside hinders you from valuing God’s favor and blessings. So if you want to feel His presence, then you need to learn how to stay in His arms. Be dependent on His ways, and don’t move without asking and praying for your decisions. Treat Him as the King of your life, and you will eventually see Him in everything that you do. In Him, you will realize what it means to truly live. He will even teach you how to handle the bad things that you will experience.

Just seek Him every single day. Don’t start your morning without coming to His presence. Remind your soul that you need Him. Feed your mind with His words so that you will know how to handle the unexpected events that come your way. He will instruct you on how to manage the negative things. If you will just rely on His wisdom and keep reading the scriptures, you will be amazed by how He will minister to you every time you feel alone and broken. He will prove to you that He is alive by the way He connects to your heart. And it only happens when you spend more intimate moments with Him. You need to discipline yourself and consistently seek His presence.

Always declare to your anxious heart that God is moving. He is not blind or deaf. He never sleeps. He is doing incomprehensible things behind the scenes. He is making way, especially when our situation appears hopeless. He is not a lazy God. In fact, He is doing a very important job in your heart. He is consistently reminding you not to give up. God already did His part. He faithfully stayed with you even when times got tough. So do not doubt His love. He is with you right now. He never leaves you behind.