Just because you are in Pain doesn’t mean you are Defeated.
Those who choose to love will somehow experience pain in life. Every relationship that involves human beings will go through tests or hardships. It’s because we are all imperfect. We live in a broken world that longs for healing and grace. And as long as you are still breathing and still surrounded by people, then expect certain days when you will feel frustrated and in pain because of the mistakes that your loved ones committed. And this doesn’t mean that you should stop loving others. You can never live a fulfilled life without love. It’s one of the most essential ingredients that will help you stay motivated. All you need to do is not avoid it. Instead, you need to learn how to treat love as your friend, which will help you grow into a better person.
Love always wins. People who choose to accept the imperfections of others and take the courage to walk with them are the ones who will realize what it means to truly live. You can’t fully appreciate this life if you will live on your own. If you just think of your own needs and plans, then your world will just revolve inside your head, and it will limit you from reaching your true potential. The best way for you to maximize what God has given you is to use it not just for yourself but also to help others. The moment you learn to serve those who are in need without expecting anything in return, that’s the time when you will also realize how real and tangible God’s love is.
Sometimes, you feel in pain because of other people’s behavior, but that doesn’t mean you are defeated. In fact, it means that you won the victory. The pain that you feel will lead you to experience more of God’s love. It exists because you chose to do the right thing. You humbly accepted and trusted the people around you because you wanted to share the love inside your heart. And that act alone is a courageous step towards the victory that God prepared. Remember what Jesus did on the cross. He was immensely in pain, but behind the suffering that He experienced is the victory that we all received. It’s because of His blood that we are given a chance to be cleansed and experience heaven with Him.
Jesus won the victory through suffering. So if by chance you are in pain right now because you chose to love, then remember that you are not a loser. In fact, you are a winner because you have finally realized what it means to love. And the more you experience pain because of love, the more you will realize how wonderful God’s grace is. When you go through suffering because you did the right thing, that’s also the moment when you will receive the love that Jesus poured out on the cross. It’s going to be worth it in the end.