Just Because You Can’t Feel Other People’s love Doesn’t Mean God Doesn’t Love You As Well
Your feelings are valid, but don’t make it your master. There may be days when you just can’t feel love from the people around you, but that doesn’t mean God is not there. He is behind the blessings that you received and the good things that happened in your life. God loves you regardless of what you feel. Remember that He never changes.
So, when others fail to show you their love, treat it as an opportunity to rely on God. Come in His presence and ask for His comfort. Trust in His ways and be dependent on His promises. Let your faith grow, especially when you are surrounded by wounded and broken people.
Depend on His love more than you seek for other people’s attention. You may find it hard to imagine what it feels like to be loved by God when you can’t even physically experience it here on earth, but that’s what faith is all about. Believe with all your heart that God loves you so much, and He will slowly open the eyes of your heart so that you will appreciate the wonders of His love.
Do not expect other people to quench the thirst in your heart. They may temporarily fill the void inside, but that kind of love won’t last forever. Humans have limitations and weaknesses. That’s why you need to set your eyes on God.
Love is not just a feeling. Just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Maybe you just have a different perspective of what love truly means. Perhaps your love language is different. That’s why don’t just rely on your emotions. Allow God’s truth to set you free. Sometimes, it means that you need to let go of your own opinion and let His wisdom reign. Let Him direct you to the right mindset. Let Him open your eyes to the things you can’t see.
God’s love surrounds you. It’s the reason why you are blessed with things you didn’t ask for. He sustains and strengthens you not because of the things you did but because of His great love for you. His love is the reason why you are still reading this.
So, whenever you feel broken and lost. Just remember that God is waiting for you to come to Him. His love will be there to comfort you. Just keep in mind that His ways are different. Sometimes, the way He shows His love won’t make sense to you, but humbly ask God for a sensitive heart. Let Him renew your thoughts, and you will slowly appreciate what He is doing behind the scenes.
Photo by Michael Descharles on Unsplash