Lean On God Like There’s No One Else Can Strengthen You But Only Him
Put your trust in the Lord. That’s the best thing that you can do. You can go through every hardship and problems if you just choose to lean on God and rely more on His strength. He is always enough. No matter how challenging your life is right now, you can always depend on God for wisdom and knowledge. Treat Him as your ultimate source of hope and love. And you will never feel empty and lost on the inside. God will provide you with sufficient resources. He is faithful enough to sustain you with His grace.
Do not rely on your own understanding. Sometimes, you are too focus on your own skills and ability. That’s why you keep on worrying about the possible things that might happen. You based your strengths according to the things that you can do. You forget that God can possibly give you the courage to keep on going. You go through this journey on your own and fail to consider the ways of God in your life. Stop fighting this battle all alone. You can always rest in the arms of God and allow Him to fight for you. Remember that you don’t know all things. There are still many important matters that you need to learn. So if you think that you can’t make it on your own, then it’s about time for you to depend more on God.
You may be surrounded by people who can possibly help you, but rely on God more than you depend on them. Remember that they are also human. They are not perfect, and just like you, they also commit mistakes. They also have some battles that they need to fight. So put your hope in the Lord, and you will never be disappointed. Stop treating others as your life depends on them. Focus on God so that you will learn to accept the imperfections of others.
God is your strong tower. No one else in this world can strengthen you but only Him. He will never be shaken. No matter how many storms you encounter or how many mountains you will climb, God will always be your solid rock, and He will never be broken. So keep on praying. Let His strength empower you to step out to your comfort zone and experience breakthroughs. Let Him be the ultimate reason why you are still standing strong until now.

I love reading it daily. Thank you so much for t and keep safe always. God bless po.
Ana Marie Cabradilla
So apt.Really spoke to me😀