Self Development

Sometimes you need to be Fully Empty so that you will be Filled

Have you ever experienced that feeling of emptiness inside? It’s when you no longer understand what’s happening. It’s when you are so tired of dealing with the pain, and you can’t appreciate the blessings around you. Being fully empty is one of the worst things that you can experience here on earth, but sometimes we need it so that we will be filled. We never really know how important God’s love is not unless we are fully empty. So take this moment as an opportunity for you to embrace His presence. Let Him come inside your heart and make you feel whole and complete. He alone can do it. The love you receive from other people can never quench the thirst that you feel inside. God is the one who created you, so He knows what you truly need.

Emptiness is sometimes a gift. You may think that it’s unnecessary, but you need it so that you can never forget who God is in your life. It’s like a wake-up call. It’s telling you to come to God and take your relationship with Him seriously. This is the season where you will feel so weak, and you will realize that you can never live life just by relying on your own strength. You need God’s grace and mercy. So instead of facing everything on your own. Choose to humbly ask for His help. And He will be there to teach you what to do.

Don’t rely on what this world can give you. Remember that everything you acquire on earth is temporary. Your riches can never fill your empty heart. They may entertain you for a while, but they can never heal the wounds inside. Only the unfailing love of God can give you the courage to move forward. This is not about what you can do or the knowledge that you have, but this is about who God is in your life. If you put Him at the center, then you will learn to live this life according to His will.

Just open your heart and allow God to fill the emptiness inside. Let Him reign and treat Him as your King. This is the perfect moment for you to discover who He is. Do not keep yourself away from His presence, but choose to stay closer to Him. And only then will you realize what it means to be filled by His love.

One Comment


    This is what I needed. Each of this words are literally what I feel these days. Exactly narrated my condition. Thank you so much for this devotional. Please pray for me that whatever our Heavenly Father has decided be done in my life in His timings and by His plan.