Suppressed Emotions can Slowly Destroy your Soul
You deserve to be heard. You are free to express what you feel. Don’t hide yourself away. You can manage your emotions without slowly destroying your soul. Take some time to pour out the negative things inside. Cry it out, write them down, turn them into a song, or compose a poem. You can do so many things to express your pain, bitterness, or anger.
Please acknowledge what’s going on deep within. Don’t hide them or treat them as unimportant. Don’t wait for that day when you can no longer control what you feel inside. Remember that emotion is part of who you are. God purposely gave it to you so that you can communicate the things that you can’t put into words.
If you want to cry, then release it. Go to a place where you can be alone with God and share with Him the pain you feel inside. Don’t stop the tears from falling. Allow them to flow because it only means that you are human, and just like anyone else, you are also allowed to feel that way. Please don’t stop yourself from expressing the pain. Just because you cry doesn’t mean you are weak. You are more than who you think you are. God values every part of you, including the things that you can’t accept. You can be vulnerable in His presence. You can tell Him what’s bothering you. Pour out your sentiments to God, and He will give you the comfort that you need.
Do not be afraid. God’s love will be there to make you feel secure and protected. He knows that you have a fragile heart. Don’t worry because He will take good care of you. He will not put you down or break your trust. You are safe in His arms. Your secrets won’t be exposed. In Him, you will never feel ashamed. He will give you what your heart longs for. So take heart and choose to set yourself free from that emotion. You will find it hard to intimately connect with others if you can’t even properly communicate with yourself. Accept your emotions, and you will learn to also acknowledge what other people feel.
Surround yourself with people who are emotionally healed, and they will help you along the journey. Observe the way they handle what they feel and learn from their experiences. Be more intentional in managing what’s on the inside, or else it will all appear on the surface. Pray that God will help you grow in that aspect, and He will be there to guide you. Do not face it on your own. Rely on His wisdom and instructions. Only then will you slowly acknowledge what you truly feel inside.
Remember that having negative emotions is not a sin. It’s part of you who are. It only destroys your soul the moment you keep on hiding what’s within. Release it in the right way. Do not harm or cause pain to other people. Instead, go to a place where you can be alone, and there, you can express your anger and frustrations. God accepts you despite what you feel. Listen to Him, and you will know how to maximize them for God’s glory.