You can think of Positive Thoughts despite of your Negative Emotions
Negative emotions are normal. We are created to be emotional beings which is a great gift. It enables us to feel things that would teach us lessons on handling situations. Your sadness is something you have to go through. It can make you stronger. Tears aren’t a sign of weakness. It signifies acceptance of yourself and what you are feeling. Don’t associate your anger as part of your identity but it is a response to things you are afraid of. If you look closely, you know yourself by observing how you deal with what you feel. Know where your emotions come from. Diving into its roots will help you recognize…
Allow Yourself to Grieve over the Things that Hurt You
You need to accept your feelings and emotions. Take some time and pause. Meditate about it. Let it flow, and embrace every bit of it. All of the sadness and hurt in your veins need to be recognized. Know your feelings and accept them. It will be a perfect time for you to understand yourself better. Ask God where those pains are connected. Let Him show you your unhealed past that He wants you to face. Your history is vital in shaping you into the person you are today. So let Him show it to you. Do not worry, for He believes in you and the strength that you have…
You can’t Figure out the Lesson if you keep Focusing on your Negative Emotions
There are treasures hidden behind the problems that you are going through. You just need to let go of certain things so that you will learn to welcome the lessons that God wants you to learn. He wanted to give you a better perspective, but sad to say, you’ll fail to figure things out if you only allow your negative emotions to affect your decisions. You won’t see the precious gifts that He prepared because you are too occupied with the problems that you face. Remember that God allowed certain difficulties to happen for you to grow and learn new things. He wants to strengthen your heart and stretch your…
Day 287 – Proverbs 13:3
Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin. Proverbs 13:3, NIV Guard your lips. The words that come out of your mouth will either make or break you. Think before you speak. Remember that your words are powerful. Do not allow your emotions to control you. There may be moments when you find it hard to keep your thoughts inside, but know that you can’t take them back again. So it’s better to keep quiet than do things that you will regret in the end. When you are conscious of what you say, it means that you acknowledge the weight of…
The Difficult Roads make the Journey more Meaningful
If you want a fulfilled life, then don’t wish for things to be easy. Instead, allow yourself to experience the hard roads because that’s where you will discover more of life. Growth happens when you go through challenges. When you meet circumstances that are out of your control, that’s when you will learn how to manage your emotions. They may appear difficult at first, but the moment you overcome them, you’ll slowly realize your potential. When you arrive at your destination, you won’t just thank God because you finally received what you prayed for, but you will feel overwhelmed because He used your journey to transform you into a better…
You can Express your Anger without Hurting other People
Anger is part of your emotions, and you need to acknowledge it. A suppressed feeling will eventually reflect your behavior, so it’s better to express it in ways that will not hurt others. If you can’t help yourself but feel angry because if somebody’s behavior, then you are free to express it in ways that are aligned to God. Go to a place where you can be alone and talk to Him. Release what you feel, and He will listen to you. Submit your emotions to your Creator, and He will help you manage them. God can powerfully transform your heart as long as you are humble enough to ask…
“This is not about my past”“This is not just my emotions”“This is part of me”“This is who I am” “I am not the problem”“I really don’t care”“I can’t do something about it”“What’s the matter with them?” These are the statementsThat you can usually hearFrom those peopleWho can’t accept certain things AcceptanceThis is one of the keysFor you to experience changeAnd complete transformation You can’t faceWhat you can’t acceptYou can’t overcomeThe things you choose to ignore Come to GodAnd He will open your eyesHe will let you see the thingsThat you badly need to accept
Better Days are Coming
There is still hope. Do not give up. You may feel so tired and weary because of your situation, but know that better days are coming. Do not focus on what you are going through. You can’t appreciate the good things around you because your mind is occupied with negative thoughts. Remember the goodness of God. Recall His promises and believe with all your heart that it will come to pass. Have faith and keep walking. Treat God as the source of your strength, and you will make it. Rely on His great love for you and surrender the pain that you feel. Share to Him all your worries and…
You’ll never know what other People Truly Feel
Nobody really knows what you truly feel inside except God. And the same goes for the people around you, even if you think you know what they are going through, but you are not wearing their shoes. You never experienced the exact pain that they are trying to deal with because you didn’t see everything that’s going on in their lives. This is the reason why you shouldn’t judge other people. Instead of telling them to immediately get up and move on, try your best to listen to them first. Be patient because we also have different ways of dealing with our pain. Some can easily recover, but others need…
Don’t waste your pain; use them for the Glory of God
Your wounds are too expensive. It takes so many tears just for you to face them. So don’t waste your pain. Know that God can turn things around if you will just allow Him. Surrender in His presence and let Him heal all your wounds. Listen to His voice and let Him teach you the important lessons that you need to learn. Open your heart so that He can come in and transform you from the inside out. He can turn your pain into treasures that will take you to eternity. Just don’t face them on your own. Acknowledge His power and imagine that God is already moving behind the…