• Faith

    Have Faith in God’s Plans and Promises

    When you go through so many trials in life, there’s this one important thing that you need to do. You must believe with all your heart, mind, and soul that God has great and wonderful plans for you. His promises are true. You may not always feel it because you went through so much pain and heartache, but sometimes, you don’t have to feel His presence. You need to know that He is there despite all your questions and doubts. Faith is about believing in God regardless of your situation and the condition of your heart. It’s about standing in His promises even when you are shaking and scared. When…

  • His Word

    Romans 12:17, NIV

    Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. Romans 12:17, NIV Choose to love your enemy. This may not be easy, especially when you experience too much pain and heartache because of their words and actions, but you need to remember the instructions written in the scripture. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Vengeance is not yours. Surrender it to God. Allow Him to move. Your role is to love and remain kind to them. Do not focus on the pain or the negative things that happened. Instead, remember the blessings that God poured out in your life.…

  • His Word

    Romans 2:6, NIV

    God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” Romans 2:6 Do what’s right in the eyes of God. Don’t just follow your own will. Stop treating yourself as if you are the ruler of your life. Acknowledge the sovereignty of God and learn to honor His Name. Love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. Let His goodness inspires you to abide by His instructions. Remember that He will repay you according to what you have done. So sow good seeds in your life, and you will reap the harvest. Let go of the negative things and stop listening to the lies of the enemy. Release…

  • Self Development

    Your Fears Appear so Attractive to the Enemy

    Don’t magnify your fears because the very first thing that the enemy will do is use it to break you. Instead of focusing on the negative things, try your best to remember God’s great love and goodness. When you are so overwhelmed with indescribable fears, just call upon Jesus, and let His love consume your soul. Let Him be the God who can set you free. His perfect love alone can take away the fears in your heart. When you are filled with His presence, your fears can no longer reign. So, make a decision today. Will you allow the enemy to destroy you by thinking about your fears, or…

  • His Word

    John 16:33, NIV

    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33, NIV Jesus didn’t promise us a comfortable life. In fact, He said to His disciples that they would face tribulations. They will go through pain and suffering. They will experience problems and persecution, but despite these things, Jesus gives them the courage to keep going. He has overcome this world. Meaning to say, the enemy no longer has the power to trap us in His schemes as long as we have Jesus in our hearts. He is the One…

  • His Word

    Day 465 – Luke 22:40

    On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” Luke 22:40, NIV After the last supper, Jesus and His disciples went to mount olives. There, He reminded them to keep praying. Let’s also do the same thing. Remember that temptations are all around us. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. He would tempt us to do things that would keep us away from God. And the best way for us to fight those negative thoughts is to pray. Let’s surrender our lives to God and allow Him to reign in our lives. Let’s ask for His guidance and remember that only…

  • His Word

    Day 434 – Luke 10:19

    I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Luke 10:19, NIV If you feel scared right now because of the negative things that are happening around you, then always remember what Jesus said to His disciples. He gave them the authority to trample and overcome the power of the enemy. Nothing can harm you simply because Jesus already gave you the power that you need to overcome the works of the devil. If you consider and treat yourself as a follower of God and one of His disciples, then don’t worry. Jesus is with…

  • Faith

    God will Redeem you in Ways you can Never Imagine

    The enemy will never win. Keep your faith in God because He will restore your life. He will take back everything that Satan had stolen. He will renew and redeem you in ways you can never imagine. So take heart, and do not be discouraged. Lift up your hands and choose to worship Him. Do not focus on the negative things you experienced. Instead, trust in His promises and hold His hands. Keep walking along the path that He created. You may not know why He allowed you to face so many problems, but choose to believe in Him even if you can’t see the miracles that He is doing…

  • Faith

    The Enemy is Destined to Fail

    Jesus already conquered everything. What he did on the cross is a powerful weapon that we can use against the enemy. Remember that the blood of Jesus can wash away the sins and strongholds in your life. So get up and don’t allow the negative voices that you hear to consume your thoughts. Remember that the enemy is destined to fail simply because Jesus won the victory 200 years ago. The evil things that happen in your life can never destroy you as long as you treat Jesus as your Savior. Claim His victory in your life, and you will never be shaken. Do not treat the negative things around…

  • Poem

    Be True to Yourself

    You can show your weaknessesAnd cry in painYou can be madAnd feel devastated You are not perfectSo acknowledge what you feelIt may be hard to do itBut be true to yourself It’s a precious gift that you can offerNot just for others but for yourselfIt means that you choose to honorAnd respect what you feel Your negative emotions are thereNot to bring you downBut to remind you thatLife is not perfect The best thing that you can doIs keep exposing it to the lightSo that the enemyCan no longer tempt you to give up