• Faith

    Just Hold on to His Promises

    God’s promises will give you hope. When you are walking through the darkness, or going through storms in life, never forget the things that God said. He promised you a bright future, and He said that He will never leave you behind. So hold on, and do not give up. Remember His goodness in your life. You may not clearly understand what’s going on around you, but keep walking because His light will be there to guide you to the right path. Keep His promises and carve them in your heart so that when you feel so down, you will have the strength to take another step. God is faithful.…

  • Faith

    Your Loving Father Goes Before You

    Remember that before you arrive at the place that God wanted you to visit, He already goes before you. It means that He prepared everything that you need. So when God asks you to go through the journey with Him, that simply means that He already walked through that journey, and He makes sure that you will have enough strength along the way. That’s how wonderful and gracious your loving Father is. He knows what you need before you even pray for it. He knows when you need it before you even ask Him. Do not be afraid. The journey may be tough and sometimes very challenging, but God already…

  • His Word

    Day 315- 2 Timothy 2:13

    If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13, NIV God can never deny His nature, and loving us is always part of Him. He will stay faithful no matter what happens. You may forget Him, especially in moments when you experience so many good things in life, but then God will stay beside you even in times when you are not okay. He will never leave you as an orphan. Remember that He is your Father, and He will always provide for you. So whenever you think that God forgets you, then put in mind that He can’t afford to leave you alone.…

  • His Word

    Day 307 – 2 Thessalonians 3:3

    But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3, NIV God is always faithful. His love will always be there to strengthen and protect you from the forces of the enemy. Trust in Him and never depend on your own understanding. If you feel so weak and down, always remember that you can always rely on God. He will give you the courage that you need. Have faith, and you will experience more of His miracles. Never limit His power in your life. God can do great things if you will just allow Him. Let Him move, and you…

  • Faith

    Choose to Thank God even in the midst of Hardships

    Yes, it’s not easy to do it, but having a grateful heart can help you overcome the most difficult battle in your life. When you open your eyes to the good things around you, hope will come in, and God’s light will shine. So choose to thank God for the blessings that you receive even if you go through so many problems. Focus on His power, and He will give you the strength that you need. Thanking God even in the middle of hardships means that you choose to acknowledge His goodness and not the painful things you experienced. It means that you raise your hands in worship, and you…

  • Poem

    He is a Patient God

    He will not be threatened with your timelineHe will not be in a hurryHe will stay patientUntil you realize what’s important He will never pressure youHe will never dictate your actionsHe will just waitUntil you are ready to let go God will stay faithfulEven in moments when you forget HimHe will forgive youHe will extend His grace He knows that you are not perfectAnd you have your limitationsThat’s why God remained so patientBecause you can’t still understand everything

  • Poem

    The Words That Healed My Heart

    “I will stay”“I will remain faithful”“I will keep you safe”These are the promises that increased my faith “I am your Father”“You are my beloved”“I will hold your hands”These are the words that made me feel whole “You are not alone”“I will fight this battle with you”“I will carry you through”These are the phrases that give me strength “I love you with all my heart”“I will never leave your side”“I am always here for you”These are the words that healed my heart