• Faith

    Rejoicing Comes In The Morning

    Better days are coming, and the pain will end. The tears will turn into joyful singing, and rejoicing comes in the morning. It will happen not because of what you will do or the efforts that you will offer. But all because God’s word is true, and it never fails. The agony won’t last forever. One day, you will see the sun shining and the flowers blooming. You will appreciate the beauty of God’s magnificent creation after the darkness. Keep this in your heart. It may appear impossible at the moment, but it will certainly happen because the God who promised to give you hope and a future is faithful.…

  • His Word

    Day 310 – Isaiah 26:4

    Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord Himself, is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:4, NIV Put your trust in God. When you are in trouble and feel so down, never forget to come closer to God and choose to put your faith in Him. He is your rock eternal. He will never fail you nor make you feel alone. Believe in Him and not just in your own knowledge and understanding. Seek Him first and put Him at the center. When you can’t control your situation, choose to surrender in the presence of God. Let go and allow God to take over. Trusting Him means that you…

  • His Word

    Day 195 – Psalms 145:13

    Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. Psalms 145:13, NIV The Kingdom of God endures forever. He will reign no matter what happens. It means that He will fulfill His great plans. Choose to trust in Him and believe in His promises. His words are true, and He is always faithful. His love for you will never change. You may think that you are surrounded by negative things, but the power of God is moving in the midst. You can’t see it yet, but you will experience miracles and wonders…

  • His Word

    Day 181 – Psalm 125: 1

    Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Psalm 125:1, NIV Trust God, and you will not be easily shaken by the circumstances that come your way. Believe in His power, and remember that He is greater than the problems that you are facing. When life throws so many challenges, don’t be afraid. Come closer to God and stay rooted in His love. Do not rely on your own understanding and strength. Consult your Heavenly Father and listen to His voice. In Him, you will receive the grace that you need to keep going. Sometimes, trusting Him is not that easy,…

  • His Word

    Day 118 – Psalm 73:26

    My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26, NIV We are not perfect, and we all commit mistakes. But even though we fail, God will give us the strength that we need. He will sustain us until the end. Things may not always happen the way we want them to be, but we need to remember that we are safe in His arms. We can trust in His goodness and love. So let’s continue to lift Him into our lives. Let’s walk according to His will, and let’s rely on His wisdom and power. We can’t do…

  • Faith

    When you Reach that Chapter of your Life that you Badly wanted to End

    We all go through different paths in life. And it’s not always fun and exciting. There are moments when you just want a certain chapter of your story to end simply because it’s too heartbreaking. When you reach that point, please be patient and remember that the pain you feel inside can never dictate your whole life. Things will get better, and everything will make sense. The Author of your story has already prepared a plot twist that will change the way you see things. So instead of trying your best to escape your season right now, let God give you the courage that you need. Rely on His love…

  • His Word

    Day 50 – Psalm 19:9

    The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous. Psalm 19:9, NIV Do not be afraid of mere humans. Instead, choose to fear God. Honor Him in your life. Acknowledge His power and stop following your own understanding. There may be days when you find it hard to obey Him, but always remember that those who fear the Lord will endure forever. Their hearts are pure, and they will not be easily shaken. So listen to His instructions, and He will give you enough strength. Rely on God and never doubt Him. Let Him be the King…

  • Self Development

    Someday, Your Experiences will Become Priceless Treasures

    You may not appreciate the things that are going on in your life right now. You may wonder why you need to go through certain experiences, but always remember that God will never allow something to happen without a purpose. Someday, you will realize that the situations you’ve been through are the real treasures in your life. It’s not about the things that you acquired nor the money that you earned that makes you wealthy, but in the eyes of God, the lessons that you learned along the way are more valuable than the temporary riches that you have. You became a better person not because of what you earned…

  • His Word

    Day 38 – Psalm 9:7

    The Lord reigns forever; He has established His throne for judgment. Psalm 9:7, NIV If you think that you experienced injustice in this world, then always remember that God established His throne for judgment. His justice will reign in the end. So put your trust in Him and surrender what you feel to Him. He knows how to handle certain things. If you think that life is so unfair, then let Him fight the battle for you. Trust in His judgment because everything that He is doing is for your own good. He is preparing great blessings for you. So never focus on the bad things that happened. Instead, keep…

  • His Word

    Day 337 – Hebrews 13:8

    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8,NIV Jesus will stay the same. If He was able to perform miracles in your life before, then He will do it again and again. His love will be with you no matter what happens. So hold on to His faithfulness and stop focusing on the problems that you are facing. Remember the wonderful things that God did in your life. When you feel so down and disappointed, never forget His great power. He will send help, and He will continue to protect you, just like what He did before. In this world full of uncertainties, Jesus is the…