• His Word

    Choose Your Friends Wisely

    He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20, NKJV It’s crucial to choose your friends wisely. Who you surround with will eventually affect your perspective in life. The people around you can influence you to either follow Christ or the standards of this world. You may not instantly notice this, but whether you like it or not, your friends will affect the way you make decisions in life. So try to ask yourself, who do you surround yourself with at the moment? Are you walking with wise people? Are you learning better perspectives from them? Did they influence you to grow…

  • His Word

    John 15:14, NIV

    You are my friends if you do what I command. John 15:14, NIV Jesus treats those who obey Him as friends. It means that they can gain access and connections that mere servants can’t receive. They can’t experience great things that a simple follower can’t experience. Having a friend like Jesus is always amazing. Imagine, the Creator and Savior of this world shared some revelations that others can’t receive. And that will only happen if you will obey. It’s challenging, especially when He asks you to do things that don’t make sense at first. But if you only follow His commands, you will realize at the end that God wants…

  • His Word

    John 15:15, NIV

    I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. John 15: 15, NIV Jesus calls us friends. It means that He gave us the opportunity to discover a lot of things in His Kingdom. Having a friend like Jesus is like gaining a priceless treasure. Remember that He treats us not as a servant who is just waiting for His master’s instructions but He is a friend who can connect to our hearts. He can reveal to us the wonders of His love through…

  • His Word

    Day 394 – Luke 5:20, NIV

    When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” Luke 5: 20, NIV Jesus was in a large crowd when He noticed a group of friends who were helping a paralyzed man. He saw their faith and knew what the sick man truly needed. As much as He wanted his body to be restored, Jesus knew that man needed mercy. This man needs to be forgiven so that he will be fully healed. That’s why Jesus released His grace first before the healing took place. There are times in our lives when we also feel like this paralyzed man. We think that we truly need the things that…

  • His Word

    Day 391 – Luke 5:18-19

    Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.   Luke 5:18-19, NIV These men didn’t leave their paralyzed friend on their own. They chose to carry the man to Jesus despite the crowd. They looked for ways how to help him. They didn’t leave him alone. Many times we also meet people who are broken…

  • Self Development

    One of the Greatest Gifts you can give is your Time

    Gifts don’t always have to be so costly. You can serve and show your love to someone through your time. Just like how God treasures His time with you. He will always be there to show His love for you. So serving Him isn’t costly. Give Him your time, and you will eventually realize how He will work in your life. You will recognize that you are favored and blessed. You don’t have to sacrifice things just to be with Him.  Your time with Him is more than enough.  Spend your days with God, and you will have a fulfilling day. Welcome Him in everything you do, even in the…

  • Friendship

    Just Teach me how to Wipe my own Tears

    I know that life is difficult, and just like me, you are also struggling with things you can’t see. I understand that you are going through problems. That’s why, I’m not asking you to carry me on your back because I know that it’s not an easy thing to do. You don’t have to be superhuman and do the impossible things. Just walk with me and allow me to cry along the journey. Let me carry the pain and watch me while I’m fighting within. Your presence is more than enough. I can make it through because I know that I’m not alone. I’m not expecting you to give me…

  • Friendship,  Self Development

    To the One who chose to walk with me in my Darkest Days

    The word “thank you” is not enough for me to express how grateful I am for the things you did in my life. In moments when I couldn’t understand, you chose to stay and walked with me along the journey. When I blamed myself, you were always there to remind me of God’s great mercy. I never thought that I could make it through. It was a heart-breaking season, and I even told God that I wanted to give up. But despite what I felt, you persistently held my hands and chose to stay with me during those days. Thank you for your life. Thank you for allowing God to…

  • Faith,  Friendship

    Be with People who will Help you Grow in the Lord

    The people around you have the power to influence your perspective, so choose your friends wisely. Spend more time with those who will help and inspire you to grow in the Lord. Don’t just rely on your own knowledge and skills. Listen to others and connect to a community where you will feel accepted. Your spiritual journey is more fun if you learn to walk with people who are willing to support you. No man is an island. Don’t live this life on your own. Acknowledge the truth that you need somebody to guide you. God can use someone who is willing to journey with you. He will send the…

  • Self Development

    Surround yourself with People who will Remind you about God’s Love

    The people around you can influence your life. They can impart good or bad perspectives. So surround yourself with those who will remind you about the love of God. They will not just inspire and share good things with you, but those kind friends will also pray for you. Spend more time with them so that you will never forget who God is in your life. If you think that you don’t have such kind of friends. Then pray that God will bless you with people who will always be there for you. And at the same time, be that someone who will also remind others about who God is.…