• Faith

    Focus on Eternal Things

    This world is broken. There will be times when we experience pain and problems, and there will be unfair situations along the way. This is why we need to set our eyes on eternal things. If we just focus on the situations of this world, we will easily lose hope and feel disappointed. The negative things around us will consume our souls, and living a fulfilled life will be impossible. When we also fix our eyes on the temporary things of this world, we will no longer consider the eternal consequences of our choices. We will live as if our life ends after death. We will try to do the…

  • His Word

    God is Just

    My whole being will exclaim, “Who is like you, Lord? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.” Psalm 35:10, NIV God is moving even when you can’t see Him. Many times, we witness injustices around us. People tend to use their power to exploit certain resources for their own gain. They took the shortcut and eagerly received the things that they wanted. They forget the rights of other people and think of their selfish gains. If you experience unfavorable situations that make you feel like God is not there. Then, this verse will remind you what’s in His…

  • His Word

    Take Delight in the Lord

    Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4, NIV Many times, when we set our eyes away from God, we can’t help but think of our worries and problems. We focus on the things that we can’t control, and we overcome our situation on our own. But here comes David, reminding us to delight in the Lord.  It means that instead of focusing on other things, we need to fix our eyes on God. The One who dearly loves and cares for us. When we delight in Him, we acknowledge His presence, and we choose to rejoice in His arms. We…

  • Faith

    Rest is a Necessity

    You need rest. Your body, mind, and soul need to be restored. If you don’t stop and take a pause, you will reap painful consequences in the end. This is the reason why rest is a necessity. God created it to be part of our lives. He proved it as very essential even in the very beginning. In the book of Genesis, you will read that God rested from all the work He had done on the seventh day. This is a powerful reminder for us to also do the same thing. Rest is not just about taking a break from work, but it’s deeper than that. For our bodies,…

  • His Word

    The Life Of Those Who Do Wrong Were Like The Grass That Will Soon Wither

    Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Psalm 37: 1-2, NIV There are instances in life when we envy those who do wrong. We wonder why they receive so many blessings while we are trying to do the right thing and end up receiving little. This kind of feeling is so common nowadays. People focus on the ill-gotten wealth that others acquire, and it seems like there’s no justice for those affected. We can’t help but wonder if God is still moving in the…

  • Faith

    When Your Purpose Is Stronger Than Your Pain

    Life is unpredictable, and we often find ourselves in the grip of pain that seems insurmountable. Yet, in these moments of brokenness, our faith and character are tested. It’s in these times that the purpose God has instilled in our hearts becomes a powerful force, guiding us through the storm. When you know why you are here on earth and firmly believe that God wants you to fulfill His purpose, you will have the strength you need. Your purpose is your anchor. It will help you stay rooted no matter what problems or pain you face. Your purpose will serve as your compass, always leading you back on track. This…

  • Psalm 20
    His Word

    We Trust In The Name Of The Lord Our God

    Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7, NIV In David’s time, the kings usually trusted their chariots and horses. This represents the material things or possessions that they acquire or perhaps their human strengths. Their confidence was rooted in their earthly treasures. But then, unlike many of those kings, David trusted in the Name of God. He acknowledged the truth that it’s God who can help him. At present, we also have different versions of “chariots and horses.” We tend to trust in our earthly wealth, career, possessions, or our own wisdom or understanding. This verse…

  • Love

    The Beauty of God’s Love

    Deep and Wide, perfect and beautiful, boundless and endless, indescribable. God’s love is too good to be true. The moment you experience it, you will realize that you have everything you need. When you encounter Him in your secret place, you will experience heaven here on earth. God’s love brings healing. It restores the deepest wounds in your soul. He will take you back to your core. He will remind you of the precious things that you lost, and He will replace them with something lasting. And even when you feel like this world is too broken, God’s love will give you the grace to keep moving. He will take…

  • Faith

    God is Kind

    Did you ever wonder how God will respond every time you commit mistakes? How will He treat you every time you miss His instructions? Or how will He react when you are in pain? In 1 John 4:8, it was stated that God is love, and in 1 Corinthians 13, it says that one of the attributes of love is kindness. This means that our God is a kind God. Every time we sin, He will never respond with a condemning voice. He will never highlight our mistakes nor give us the punishment we deserve. God would respond with kindness. Every time we fail to notice His blessings and become…

  • His Word

    Those Who Are In The Realm Of The Flesh Cannot Please God

    The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8:6-8, NIV Since we live in this world, we are sometimes governed by standards and desires that will only satisfy our flesh. We seek temporary riches instead of focusing on Heavenly things. When the flesh governs our mind, it means that the worries and desires of this world occupy it. It’s okay to dream of a…