• His Word

    Romans 12:9, NIV

    Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Romans 12: 9, NIV Do not choose to love just because God asks you to do it. Instead, be sincere. Serve other people, especially those who hurt and mistreat you. That’s what separates you from the world. Choose to do good even in moments when you are challenged and in pain. Hate what is evil. Follow God’s commandments, and let His instructions be your guide. Hold on to what is good. The enemy may tempt you to take the shortcut and focus on the temporary pleasures but remind yourself that seeking the Kingdom of God is always…

  • Faith

    Believe with all your heart that God is Guiding you

    When you go through so many trials and tragedies, there is a tendency that you won’t feel God’s presence. When you are so occupied by the things that are going on in your life, you will fail to notice the instructions of God, and you won’t be able to appreciate what He is doing behind the scenes. This is the reason why you need to believe with all your heart that God is always there, guiding you. Choose to acknowledge His presence even when you feel so confused and lost. Remember His words so that when the enemy injects so many lies in your head, you won’t be easily tempted…

  • His Word

    Acts 12: 6-7, NIV

    So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!’ he said, and the chains fell of Peter’s wrists. Acts 12: 6-7, NIV Peter was thrown into prison, but people are praying for Him. They earnestly came in the presence of God and asked for His help. And then God…

  • Faith

    Ask God to give you the Wisdom to Properly Steward His Blessings

    One of the worst things that will happen to someone is when he realizes that the blessings that God gave led him to experience the most painful season in his life. It happened because he couldn’t properly steward God’s gifts. He doesn’t have the ability to manage them according to God’s ways. So instead of complaining about the delays in your life, why not thank Him because He is simply giving you a chance to be prepared for what’s coming. If His answer to your prayer is to wait, then it means that He wants you to learn how to properly steward His blessings. This is the perfect moment for…

  • Faith

    Good Things are Happening in your Life Right Now

    Remember how you earnestly prayed to reach the point where you are at the moment? Every time you look back on how long and far you’ve gone through, you will realize that you are already living one of your prayers. Just take a pause and count your blessings. You will recognize that you have received many good things in life more than the bad ones. The fact that you are still alive right now is already a great thing. You can reach this stage after all the battles you have conquered and the victories you have received. That alone shows that you can do all things through God’s help.  If…

  • Faith

    Involve God in Making Decisions and Let Him Walk with You

    Learn the things you have to consider before taking the big step. Tomorrow will worry itself, but you have to make wise decisions in the present. Think of it deeply and spend more time thinking about it. Pray and share it with God. Ask for His guidance. Do not try to hurry things, especially those that demand risks. Be wise and do not pressure yourself. Some things take time to happen. Remember, you are never alone in that journey. You have God and the people that He sends.  If you still doubt your decisions, ask for advice. Be with those who have been through that journey you wanted to take.…

  • His Word

    Day 85 – Psalm 139:10

    Wherever I go, your hand will guide me; your strength will empower me. Psalm 139:10, TPT God will always be with you, so don’t worry. He will never leave you behind. God is faithful enough to fulfill all His promises. In Him, you will always feel secured and protected. Do not be afraid of your future. His hands will guide you along the way. God will teach you what to do, so learn to trust in Him. You are safe in His arms. He will give you enough strength to face the challenges in your life. He will empower you with His great love. He will stay with you no…

  • His Word

    Day 16 – Proverbs 16:1

    Go ahead and make all the plans you want, but it’s the Lord who will ultimately direct your steps. Proverbs 16:1, TPT Lift up to God every plan you have because, at the end of the day, the Lord will ultimately direct your path. He will provide enough opportunities for you. Don’t worry about the things that will happen in your future because God will help you through. Sometimes, things will not happen the way you wanted to be, but remember that God knows the best for you. You may feel so devastated inside but learn to surrender it all to God. He will make way for you. And His…