• Faith

    Rejoicing Comes In The Morning

    Better days are coming, and the pain will end. The tears will turn into joyful singing, and rejoicing comes in the morning. It will happen not because of what you will do or the efforts that you will offer. But all because God’s word is true, and it never fails. The agony won’t last forever. One day, you will see the sun shining and the flowers blooming. You will appreciate the beauty of God’s magnificent creation after the darkness. Keep this in your heart. It may appear impossible at the moment, but it will certainly happen because the God who promised to give you hope and a future is faithful.…

  • His Word

    Day 445 – Luke 12:35

    Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning Luke 12:35, NIV Keep the fire on. Always keep yourself ready for Jesus. Stay in His arms and let His love lead you to His presence. Don’t allow the circumstances around you to stop the fire inside. Stay close to God and keep on worshipping Him. Let His light shine in your life. Keep your lamps burning. Live according to His will and abide in Him. You may feel exhausted along the journey, but don’t allow your weaknesses to keep you from shining for Jesus. Dwell in His house and ask for His strength. God will give you everything you…

  • Faith

    The Uncomfortable roads will build your Faith

    The pain and hardships, the storms and the shaking, the fear and worries, and all those negative things you experienced, they exist to build your faith. Just because you are walking an uncomfortable road doesn’t mean you are on the wrong path. In fact, it’s an indication that God is inviting you to step into the next level of your faith. So don’t be disappointed if things don’t go according to your plans, because that’s when God will introduce more of His miracles and power. Many times, we tend to withdraw ourselves from the path that He created because we think that it’s not for us. When the obstacles are…

  • His Word

    Day 326 – 1 Chronicles 16:11

    Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.  1 Chronicles 16:11, NIV This world will let you experience so many challenging moments. When you are so tired and exhausted, just focus on God and rely on His strength. Remember that only Him can fully satisfy your heart. Seek His face and stop looking at the problems around you. Let Him carry you to the place that He prepared. Hold His hands and allow Him to guide and protect you. All things are possible as long as you are with Him. His power will give you the courage to move forward. So instead of worrying about what tomorrow…

  • Self Development

    It’s Not Easy To Focus On The Positive Things All The Time

    Life is very unpredictable. Whether you like it or not, you will go through negative situations that will test your character. And in those moments, you will find it hard to focus on the positive things simply because you’ve been through a lot of hardships, and you can’t easily let go of the painful memories you experienced. There are really days when you feel so tired and hopeless inside. It’s not easy to focus on the good things when you are surrounded by uncertainties. But even though it’s challenging to do it, that doesn’t mean you can’t overcome your problems. Yes, there will be difficult circumstances, but know that God…