To the Grieving Hearts who are Still trying to Survive
You are not alone. Every day may feel like a battle and misery, but know that God is sustaining you in this season. No one can really describe what you feel inside. It seems like your whole world is crashing down. You may miss the people who made you feel loved and accepted but keep in mind that the days you had with them were like treasures that you can always keep inside. The life you spend with them will never be wasted. Those precious moments became part of who you are. You may lose the people you deeply cherish, but they become part of your deepest core. They will…
If God calls you to do something, He knows you have what it takes
Some struggle to believe in themselves that they can do what they are called for. Sometimes, opportunities suddenly open before you, and although you want them, you fear not making them. You are afraid because you cannot predict what will happen. Your mind is always a step ahead of your present. It builds hypothetical situations that make you worry even more. If you look closely and pay more attention to your present, you will realize that your stress and worries aren’t really there. You do not need them at the moment. Because the thing that is holding you back is not yet happening. They are just thoughts. You are way…
As long as God is with you, Enemies don’t have Power against you
Stay in God’s presence. This world has a lot to offer for your own entertainment and happiness, but not all of them will do you good in the long run. Enemies are not just those who can talk back at you; they looked harmless at first. They will not affect you directly. But they will accumulate and come back to you more assertively, making you defenseless if you are not careful enough. However, the one living in you is stronger than your enemies. That is, stay close to God. Consciously involve Him in everything that you do. Plan with Him and always ask for His wisdom. Fill your mind with…
Day 419 – Luke 8:16
No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light. Luke 8:16, NIV If you know that Jesus is in you, then you are a bearer of His light. Don’t hesitate to share that light, especially with those who are in pain and broken. Go and let Him shine in the dark places. Don’t hide Him inside. You are meant to share the blessings that you received from Him. Expose His goodness and love. Keep doing the right thing, and one day, people will feel…
God will not Rush you to Make Things Better Right Away
Blaming other people won’t make things easier. Putting someone responsible for matters in your life won’t give you peace. However, there is a possibility that your past may have influenced you to act like that. Pain and unhealed child experiences could also be a reason. You should not blame yourself for your thoughts can be so loud sometimes. On a good note, you have the authority and the gift to choose what to do and say. You have the choice in every situation in your life. It just looks and feels like you don’t because your heart yearns for something that is not there. However, you can make the situation…
Choose to See the Love of God Every Day
How you see things affects how you will live. God gives you not just the gift of life but also the gift of making your own decisions. He has given you an ample amount of how you will choose to see things. Along the journey, you have been molded to become who you are at the present moment. Your perspectives are affected by your experiences. Seeing things negatively cannot be avoided if you have been through a lot of pain. But the good news is that you can always choose what perspective you will follow. Your situation may not be as good as you expect it to be, but you…
Empty yourself So that You will Receive more of God’s love
We will discover things as we continue to live this life. From how we were raised when we were still a child until now that we are living an adult life, we have brought lessons along the way. We picked up the things we think will help us in the following chapters of our lives. Such lessons are immense to be lived by and shared with others. They taught us how to be kind and generous to others. Those experiences and events make us realize that sharing and loving others could give us joy and satisfaction. We can be selfless, and being good to others isn’t impossible, even if people…
God is Preparing you to be a Vessel of His Love
God will let things happen in your life. Everything that comes your way has its reasons. What you experienced may not not be part of your original plans, but it has a purpose. You may be tempted to compromise your time, schedules, or even some of your treasures. However, believe in God when He makes you do such things. He is preparing your heart and mind to become a vessel of His love for others. Your purpose in life is not just defined by what you can do. But it will become more meaningful once you realize that God sees you as someone who can glorify His name. Everything in…
You can Learn from the People you have Met
Other people could be the reason why you are motivated to go on and fight in life. They could be your source of inspiration and strength to remind you to get up whenever life throws problems on you. On the same strand, people could also be the reason to hurt you. Their words can make or break you. You start to distance yourself from them and try to avoid meeting more people in your life. Sometimes, pain can cause you too much to lose the trust that you once quickly built. As you go on in life, you start to be conscious of who you would let into your life.…
Make God Your First Option
As you face opportunities and hurdles in life, you will be bombarded with the idea of what is best to do and what choice to make. You will think of the risks and their costs even if you are not sure what it will bear for you. Uncertainties will surprise you in a lot of ways. But there is someone who can give you the security. No matter what happens, you will make the most of an experience. If you have Him as your constant option in everything, you will live a life fulfilled with His presence and love. He will be your guide and your friend. God will be…