• His Word

    The Lord is our Maker

    Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all. Proverbs 22:2, NIV Sometimes, when we experience so many successes in life, we are somehow tempted to think that we are better than anyone else. Or perhaps, if we have more money or earthly possessions, we think that we can treat others the way we want. We look at their status and judge them according to what they have. However, this verse reminds us that God is our maker. We have this one thing in common that we should not forget. It’s God who created all of us from the inside out. This means that…

  • His Word

    The Lord Weighs The Heart

    A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart. Proverbs 21:2, NIV God knows your true motives. You may try to justify your actions based on what you know, and you may feel like you are doing the right thing, but God will look at your heart. He will check your desires and the factors that contribute to your decisions. This is the reason why we need God’s guidance. Sometimes, we are deceived by our selfish motives. We reason according to what we think is right. However, on the inside, our hearts desire something that will instantly fill the emptiness yet destroy us in…

  • His Word

    Day 228- Proverbs 16:2

    All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Proverbs 16:2, niv The Lord will check your heart. He will look at your motives. People may say that what you are doing for them is all good, but God knows the reason behind your actions. So let Him purify your heart. Allow Him to change the negative thoughts you have inside. Let Him take away your selfish desires. Submit to His will and let Him guide you along the way. Your selfish motives will just hurt other people. So choose to please God with all your heart. He just wants you to experience great…

  • His Word

    Day 52 – Proverbs 21:2

    You may think you’re right all the time, but God thoroughly examines our motives. Proverbs 21:2, TPT God knows your heart. He knows the reason behind your every action. So before you do anything. Try to check your motives because He will thoroughly examine it, and most of the time, you will encounter challenges along the way, and God will reveal to you the things that are going on inside. So always pray for a pure heart. That God will take away all the negative motives, you have. Let His love change the way you think. Receive His grace and let Him teach you what to do. Because at the…