• Self Development

    Obeying the commands of God is like telling “I Love You Too” to Him

    God gave us certain commands because He wants to protect and lead us to the future that He prepared. He loves us so much that He gave us instructions and guidelines about how to live this life according to His will. He alone knows what’s ahead. He is aware of the things that are waiting for us. God knows what we need to prepare for us to victoriously fight the battles in the future. There are just times when we can’t understand the reason behind all His commands. In our eyes, it seems so meaningless. We would often ask Him why we need to go through certain pain. We sometimes…

  • His Word

    Day 420 – Luke 8:21

    He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” Luke 8: 21, NIV Jesus treats those who obey the word of God as His closest companion. You may think that you are close to His heart, but the real people who have an intimate relationship with Him are those who follow His words. They bear lasting fruits that bless not just their lives but also those who are hurting and broken. So don’t just listen to His words and do nothing. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to keep following Him even in seasons when you can’t understand what’s…

  • His Word

    Day 414 – Luke 6:46

    “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? Luke 6:46, NIV Sometimes, we only know God’s name, but we never really know what it means to follow Him. Calling Him “Lord” means that we acknowledge His sovereignty in our lives. His authority will give us the motivation to do what is right. If we truly honor His name, it means that we choose to obey His words and follow Him even in the midst of struggles and pain. If we make Him the ruler of our lives, we also put His will above our plans and desires. Let’s not take our faith lightly. Walking…

  • Faith

    God Can Do Great Things from your Small Acts of Obedience

    God can turn your small deeds into incredible things. With a simple act of obedience, He can change your life around. Start by feeding your soul with His word when you wake up in the morning. Talk to Him and listen to His message for you. Ask for understanding and enlightenment. His teachings and commands will help you decipher your decisions in life. Through it, you will have the kind of wisdom that you need in your journey. Treat His word and His preachings as your daily bread. You may not experience a direct change in your life, but He promise you that greater things will unfold as long as…

  • His Word

    Day 241 – Philippians 4:9

    Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9, NIV The book of Philippians was written by Apostle Paul to the congregation in Philippi. And in this part of his letter, He reminded God’s people to apply what they learned, received, heard, and seen in Him. And if they will put what he taught in practice, the God of peace will be with them. This can also be a wonderful reminder for us to not just listen to the words of God but we are encouraged to obey Him through our…

  • His Word

    Day 183 – Psalm 128:1-2

    Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Psalms 128:1-2,NIV Abide in the will of God and keep on obeying Him. You may not always comprehend His ways, but trust that He sees your heart. He will bless the seeds that you planted for His glory. When the time is right, you will eat the fruit of your labor. You will see His wonderful miracles. Keep doing the right thing, and God will bless you. Know that everything you are doing for His glory will never be in vain. He will…

  • Faith

    Obedience will Help you build a Strong Foundation

    “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25, NIV Jesus said in His words that if you obey His teachings, then you are like a wise man who built His house on the rock. It means that you will have a strong foundation that will protect you from the storm of this life. Jesus’ teachings are not just food for your soul,…

  • Self Development

    Wisdom Starts when you Respect and obey God

    God’s wisdom is something that you can’t easily comprehend, but it starts when you respect and obey Him. Some would think that you will know more about wisdom when you study and read the scriptures. Yes, you can do it. But it starts to manifest in your life when you acknowledge its source and apply His words. You will learn to appreciate what it truly means when you grow closer to God and know Him more. It’s not something that is freely given to you. God’s wisdom flows on people who know what respecting and obeying Him truly means. It’s not just about going to church or doing religious activities,…

  • His Word

    Day 31 – 2 John 1:6

    And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love. 2 John 1:6, NIV Continue to love God by obeying His commands. There are times when you can’t understand His will, but always remember that we are all called to walk in His love. It means that we need to take good care of others just like what God did to us. Let’ choose to understand them. Share God’s love even in moments when people fail to appreciate you. Know that He sees everything that you do. So stay faithful to Him and…

  • Faith

    Sometimes, God Answers our Prayers by giving us Instructions

    God is answering our prayers. It’s just there are times when He gives us instructions first before we get what we prayed for. And the sad part is, we find it hard to follow what He is saying because it’s not what the world is saying. That’s why before you pray for something to happen, get ready to receive His instructions first. Prepare your heart and increase your faith. You may not clearly see the path that He wants you to take, but all you have to do is listen to His voice and follow Him. Sometimes, you will only receive the blessings He prepared for you as long as…