• His Word

    Give Out Of A Pure Heart

    This is not a matter of getting God’s reward, but it’s a matter of someone’s motive in giving. God sees our hearts more than He sees our actions. He knows what’s driving us to help and serve those who are in need. Is it for our own glory? Or is it for the purpose of building the Kingdom of God? When you give, you don’t have to announce to everyone the good things that you did. You don’t have to post it on social media. It’s between you and God. You will know that your heart is right towards the things that you are doing when you choose to do…

  • His Word

    Day 209 – Matthew 5:8

    “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8, NASB It’s hard to see the hands of God if your heart is full of bitterness. You need to purify it and ask Him to open your eyes. Surrender to Him the things that are not aligned to His will. Let His precious blood cleanse you from the inside out. God’s power can’t reign in your life if you keep on entertaining the lies of the enemy. Focus on Him and keep connecting to His love. Allow Him to guide and teach you. Obey His words, and you will slowly learn His ways. His instructions will help…

  • His Word

    Day 93 – Psalm 51:10

    Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10, NIV Pray for a pure heart, and let God give you a steadfast spirit. Rely on Him, especially in moments when you can’t understand what’s going on in your life. Stay connected to Him even if you feel so broken and devastated. Pray that He will take away all the impurities inside so that you will see His blessings. Depend on His love, and let the precious blood of Jesus cleanse you. Trust that God can renew your heart. He can transform it into a beautiful masterpiece. Even though you have so many…

  • His Word

    Day 365 – 1 Peter 4:9

    Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 1 peter 4:9, NIV Do not complain. Be kind to one another and never ask something in return. Let God reward you for the good things that you did. People may not see what you are doing behind the scene, but God knows your heart and will bless you for what you do. Imagine that you are not just serving your neighbor, but you are also serving God. Whatever you do to the least of your brothers, you also do it to Him. So keep going, and as long as He still gives you the blessings that you need, then it means that…

  • Self Development

    There’s Nothing More Rewarding Than Helping Someone Out Of Pure Heart

    A thoughtful act of kindness will not only benefit the person who receives the help, but it will also uplift the giver. Sometimes, when life is too much for us, we tend to focus on our own problems and struggles. But the moment we learn to set our eyes on helping other people, we will realize that our circumstances are nothing compared to what others are going through. And instead of looking down on ourselves, we will learn to extend some help for others. That’s the moment when we discover that the more we serve other people out of pure heart, the more we are helping ourselves. It feels so…

  • His Word

    Day 50 – Psalms 51:10

    Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalms 51:10, NIV Sometimes, we never really noticed the things happening inside of us. We are surrounded by a lot of problems, and we tend to focus on it. We end up being so occupied with negative thoughts inside. That’s why it’s very important to pray for a pure heart. Ask God to renew your spirit so that He will give you enough strength. Do not let the circumstances around you to stop you from following God. Do not allow the negative things and the pain to consume you. Instead let the blood of Jesus purify…