• His Word

    Day 88 – Proverbs 27:21

    Fire is the way to test the purity of silver and gold, but the character of a man is tested by giving him a measure of fame. Proverbs 27:21, TPT The challenges and hardships in life will purify the thoughts of your heart. It is a very wonderful opportunity for you to change the things that don’t please God. And your character as a person will be tested the moment you already succeed in life. When you are famous enough, that’s the time when God will test your heart. I hope when that day comes, you will always choose to honor God. May you never forget His faithfulness in your…

  • His Word

    Day 17 – Proverbs 17:3

    In the same way that gold and silver are refined by fire, the Lord purifies your heart by the tests and trials of life. Proverbs 17:3, TPT This life may not be that easy. We may face a lot of challenging moments, and sometimes, we tend to feel so down and devastated. We think that we can never get through the trials in our lives, and we wonder why we have to go through pain and brokenness. But then always remember this, the tests and trials in your life will purify your heart. And the more He purifies your heart, the more you will feel His presence. Hold on, and…