• His Word

    Day 186 – Psalms 138:3

    When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me. Psalms 138:3,NIV Claim this today! The Lord, your God, will answer you. He will send help, so do not rely on your own strength and understanding. Trust in His love. Call upon His Name, and He will always be there to give you the courage you need. Believe with all your heart that God hears your cries. He is listening to you. Keep depending on Him, and you will get through it. In Him, there is victory. In His presence, you will find hope and peace. When you can’t understand what’s going on, come to God, and He will give…

  • Faith

    The Enemy is Destined to Fail

    Jesus already conquered everything. What he did on the cross is a powerful weapon that we can use against the enemy. Remember that the blood of Jesus can wash away the sins and strongholds in your life. So get up and don’t allow the negative voices that you hear to consume your thoughts. Remember that the enemy is destined to fail simply because Jesus won the victory 200 years ago. The evil things that happen in your life can never destroy you as long as you treat Jesus as your Savior. Claim His victory in your life, and you will never be shaken. Do not treat the negative things around…

  • His Word

    Day 157 – Psalm 108:13

    With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. Psalm 108:13, niv You will gain victory in the arms of God. Keep your faith in Him and stop worrying. You may find it hard to overcome your problems, but always remember that God is with you. He will trample down your enemies. He will make you feel safe and protected. God will walk with you, so do not be afraid. Claim the victory in His presence. Do not rely on your strength. Sometimes, you find it hard to overcome your problems because you are fighting on your own. Claim the promises of God and believe…

  • Self Development

    The Victory Starts in your Mind

    Your mindset plays a very important role in dealing with your problems. It’s very difficult to overcome the challenges if, even in your thoughts, you are already defeated. You need to think of the good things that will happen. Never forget that you are a child of God. You can do all things through Christ, who gives you the strength that you need. Let His power give you the courage to conquer the doubts and worries inside your mind. Believe in His promises and do not listen to the lies of the enemy. When you know how to fight the battle within, you will no longer find it hard to…

  • Poem

    Passion for God

    My heart may be in painI may go through brokennessI may not know what’s happeningBut I’ll choose to stay in His presence Things may not happenThe way I want them to beBut God is thereTo lead me to the right way I’ll depend on GodAnd trust in His goodnessMy passion will keep burningBecause I rely on His grace Challenging days will be overVictory is comingI’ll raise my handsAnd worship His Name

  • Faith

    What if God wants you to Move your Mountains and not just Climb them?

    God’s ways are greater than what your mind can comprehend. Sometimes, you are just asking for small things, but God prepared something bigger. There are also moments when you see yourself as someone who is nothing, but He knows that you can do all things because He will be there to help. He even wants you to move your mountains and not just climb them. That’s how powerful your God is. He can perform miracles in your life if you will just increase your faith in Him. He can take you to places you’ve never been before and let you experience so many adventures. You will surely live a fulfilled…

  • His Word

    Day 100 – Psalm 60:12

    With God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies. Psalm 60:12, NIV The problems and challenges you face will end simply because you are meant to overcome them. With God, you will gain victory. In Him, you will feel secure and protected. So do not be discouraged, especially if you can’t see His hands moving. Keep your faith because He will trample down your enemies. Believe in His promises and move forward. Be confident in His presence. Rejoice and claim His blessings! He will move in ways you can never imagine. He is watching over you, and He is performing miracles behind the scene. I…

  • Self Development

    The Fact that you are Doing your Best is Already a Victory

    Victory doesn’t only happen when you already have the results that you expected. You will also experience it even if you are still in the process. The fact that you never allowed your negative thoughts to dictate your actions is already a form of success. When you keep doing your best despite what you feel, that alone is already a victory that you should celebrate. Things don’t have to be big and extravagant for you to see their worth. When you know that deep inside, you achieve something that will slowly change your life forever, then take some time to rejoice and be happy for it. Congratulate yourself for a…

  • Faith

    Trust that your Victory is Coming

    Do not lose hope. You will get through this season. Believe with all your heart that you will experience victory in life. Be patient and choose to endure. Nobody knows when this season will end, but one thing is for sure, Jesus always wins. In Him, you will never be disappointed. You may not understand what’s going on in your life right now, but it will pass. It’s just a chapter in your life that you need to overcome. You will make it simply because God destined you to experience greater things. And it’s beyond what you can comprehend. So instead of putting yourself down, lift up your head and…

  • His Word

    Day 24 – 1 John 4:8

    Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8, NIV The best way to show who God is in your life is through the love you offer to other people. Those who choose to love are the ones who really know who God is. So continue to do the right thing even if there are moments when you are in pain. Just love the people around you. Yes, it’s not an easy thing to do, especially when you are still hurting. But know that God sees what you are doing. And He will bless your heart. So let love be your ultimate guide, and…