• Self Development

    When People Released Hurtful Words About you

    They will curse, but You bless; When they arise, they will be ashamed, but Your servant will be glad. Psalms 109:28, NASB Words are powerful. Then can make or break your heart. If you don’t know how to deal with the hurtful words you receive from others, then it will slowly bring you down. Choose to listen to God and let Him teach you how to manage it. It says in His word that others may curse you, but what’s important is that God will bless you. So go after the good things that He prepared. Know that people can never destroy your soul unless you allow them. Look unto…

  • Poem

    Your Words are Powerful

    Words are like burning arrowsThat can destroy someone’s lifeSo please try to check them Please don’t label other peopleAs worthless or weakAvoid saying hurtful wordsThat will break somebody’s heart Please stop judging othersYou never know their whole storyYou may not see the impactOf the things that you saidBut deep inside,People are having a hard timeJust because of the simpleYet hurtful words that you released Sooner or later,People will associate those wordsAs part of their identityRemember that the thingsThat comes out of the mouthComes from the heartAnd these make a man unclean So evaluate the wordsThat you release to othersPlease speak blessings to them Instead of blaming other peopleTry to encourage…