• Faith

    Rest is a Necessity

    You need rest. Your body, mind, and soul need to be restored. If you don’t stop and take a pause, you will reap painful consequences in the end. This is the reason why rest is a necessity. God created it to be part of our lives. He proved it as very essential even in the very beginning. In the book of Genesis, you will read that God rested from all the work He had done on the seventh day. This is a powerful reminder for us to also do the same thing. Rest is not just about taking a break from work, but it’s deeper than that. For our bodies,…

  • Faith

    Work on things that Brings Glory to God

    You may not always understand why God would ask you to do certain things that are too difficult and challenging but keep following His voice. Do what brings glory to His name, and you will realize that everything that He asks you to do is for your own good. One day, when you look back, you will see the hands of God molding you into a person you never expect to be. The situations that He allowed you to experience gave you a chance to grow from the inside out. The pain leads you to build foundations that are strong enough to sustain you, especially when you encounter storms. The…

  • Self Development

    Treat your job as an opportunity for you to glorify God

    There is a reason why God gave you that kind of job. You may think that it’s for the sake of earning money, but there’s a deeper purpose why you are in that. God is giving you a very big opportunity right now. This is your time to share to the people around you who Jesus is by how you talk, move, and perform your duties. Let His light shine, and you will experience miracles in your life. Sometimes, it’s not an easy thing to do, especially when you are surrounded by people who don’t believe in Him, but the more you show them who God is by the way…

  • Poem

    His Wisdom

    Keep workingFollow your own plansBut without God’s wisdomYou will feel empty inside Keep learningRead more booksBut without God’s guidanceEverything seems so meaningless Consult HimSeek His understandingAnd you will discover the reasonWhy He allows you to do certain things His wisdom will guide youTo the right perspectiveIt can open your eyesTo the things you fail to appreciate Pray and ask for more of HimSo that you will see the great blessingsThat He prepared for youAnd you will learn to maximize them

  • Self Development

    Be Grateful for the Job that you have right now

    Not all people are given a chance to work in this time of crisis. Some of them are still looking for opportunities, so if you happen to have a job that pays you well, then choose to be grateful and stop complaining. You may receive a lot of pressure and stress, but treat them as an opportunity for you to grow and learn new things. Remember that you are blessed because what you have right now are answers to somebody’s prayer. Thank God for all the blessings that you receive from Him. Stop focusing on the negative things. Pray that He will open the eyes of your heart so that…

  • His Word

    Day 302- Colossians 3:23

    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, Colossians 3:23, NIV Imagine that God is watching over you, and He sees all the things that you are doing. Give your best because He recognizes all your efforts. Offer the works of your hands to God. You may think that you are working for somebody else, but treat God as your master, and you will bear fruits in His presence. You will see more of His blessings and realize that God appreciates every little thing you do for Him. Give your all for God. And one day, you will see…