
The Plot Twist

God can turn your situation into something beautiful
No one can really comprehend the ways of God
He will direct you
Everything may look so messed-up
But wait for the plot twist

God will do something great in your life
Whatever struggles that you are facing right now
He will make it into a beautiful opportunity
for you to experience His love

Learn to face whatever problems you have right now
Because breakthrough is waiting for you
He will turn your fears into victory
Allow God to move in your life

Learn to surrender everything to Him
He is creating a beautiful story for you
Wait and be patient

If you are going through so much,
Just pray for His strength
If you don’t know where to go
Just ask Him for direction

God is listening to you right now
And whether you believe it or not
He is making way for you
Trust and believe in Him

Have faith in His promises
Know that He will fulfill all of it
According to His right time

Sometimes, we never really know what’s ahead
But we need to remember that God will direct us to the right path
We just have to listen to Him
And do the right thing

You are always safe in His arms
You don’t have to worry about your future
He is holding you right now
He is guiding you
Look forward to the unexpected things to happen