What Does It Mean To Be A Bearer Of Light?
The moment we accept Jesus as our personal savior, we are already considered as one of the bearers of light. Jesus is the light of the word, and since He is already inside your heart, it simply means that you are carrying His light wherever you go. But what does it truly means to be a bearer of light? How can we share that light with the people around us?
It simply starts within us. Sometimes, it’s really hard to share the light, especially when you are so broken and in pain. But then, take heart! You may have some dark seasons in your life, but always remember that the light of Jesus will always be with you. He will give you enough grace every day, and He will guide you all along the way. Just focus on His love, and the more you set your eyes on Him, the more you will see His hands moving, and when you feel His presence, you will always have the compassion to help others.
Being the light of the world means sharing the hope and love that is in you. There are people around you who are always looking at the negative side of their situation because they already lose hope. But every time you see someone who is just so full of doubts and fears, then it’s your chance to share to them the hope that is in you, and He is Jesus Christ, our savior. Tell them about His great love and the things that He did in your life. Let them feel that our God is alive through our own testimonies.
Choose to think of the goodness of God rather than the tragedies of this world. Remind yourself that He is bigger than your problems, and only then will you be able to show to the people around you that the God who is in you is powerful enough to rescue everyone. Believe that Jesus is the hope of this world. Every time you meet someone who is full of anger and revenge, you can possibly share the light with that person. Instead of losing hope for the person’s situation, remind yourself that with God, nothing is impossible.
Be the first to believe that good things will still happen despite the tragedies and problems we are facing. Because your faith is like a very bright light to someone who is dying on the inside. It’s like refreshing water to someone who feels so thirsty all this time. Your message of hope and your acts of kindness are already something that can make a big difference in someone else’s life.