Self Development

You Are Created To Be an Answer, And Not A Problem

You are not a problem. Remember that God will never create something that will destroy someone’s life. You may think that you are just a mistake. But God created you for a purpose. You are part of His solutions. So live this life according to your true identity, and please don’t treat yourself as useless. If you only knew the things that God prepared for you, then you will discover the wonderful future that you are meant to experience. He will use your life to honor His name and to bless someone else. Move forward and do not listen to the lies of the enemy. You are more than who you think you are. The God who is in you is greater than the disappointments you feel inside.

Remember that you are meant to experience great things in life. You are not an ordinary person. You may not see your purpose right now because you are too consumed with the challenges in front of you, but know that the plans of God are greater than what you are facing. Do not stop and keep on walking. Maybe, you feel so down because you can no longer find the reason why you do certain things. You lost your passion, and you can’t see a bright future ahead, but remember that what you feel right now is just a season in your life, and it will never last. What if God is just teaching you through the difficulties that you are facing? He is molding your heart, so trust in His process.

You are a child of God. And you are destined to receive the fullness of His blessings. Just don’t rely on your own knowledge and skills. Put God at the center, and He will teach you how to fulfill the desires that He planted in your heart. You are meant to solve a problem. God created you with talents and skills that will help others. So live according to the identity that God has given you. Only then will you have the courage to step outside your comfort zone, and you will be able to do the things that God wanted you to fulfill.

One day, you will see yourself doing the things that honor His name. You will receive His freedom to use the precious gift that He provided for you. And you will find yourself so fulfilled from within because finally, God gave you the chance to do the things you love. It’s going to be worth it. And you will get there somebody, just treat yourself as part of God’s solution to heal this world.


  • Anne-Lise Todd

    I feel like this was meant for me, i am pregnant, and facing so many challenges, At times i feel so useless..
    Thank you for sharing this positivity…

  • April jermia

    Thank you for this wonderful words that you’ve shared to us ,it reminds me to lean on God whatever challenges am I facing right now ,it is also a self reminder to me that I have GOd with me a long this journey and he loves me 🙏
    God bless us all🙏