You are Your Own Character, and No one can Play it Better than You Do
No one else is made precisely the same as you are. God made you and destined you to live for a purpose; you are the only one who can play your character in this life. You are unique. That is why you are incomparable. Setting other people’s lives as your standard will not put joy within you but learning from them will. They are instruments and not rivals. Take what you can and use it for your own growth but never set them as your standard. Remember that you are writing your own story with Him. Remind yourself of what God promised you. Cover your ears from the lies that want to destroy you.
God will let you experience different seasons of your life to mold you. He will make you face the things you kept running away from. That is not to punish you, but He wants you to have a breakthrough and heal from the things pushing you away from the character He wants you to have. All people have been through rough times. Take it as an opportunity to experience more of His favor. Use your painful season to be closer to Him.
Find your character in Him. Let Him make you that person that you are destined to be. Your mistakes can never define your uniqueness, but they could help you find one. Use your lapses as an instrument of learning. Do not worry, for He will give you the wisdom on how to decipher things. Your mistakes will become an instrument of getting knowledge. Your painful past will be part of a great testimony someday. Your life and your story will be an instrument to bless other people.
Celebrate your achievements no matter how small or big it is. Celebrate your gifts and your talents. Use what you have for His glory. You are meant to do more significant things to vessel God’s love. So do not pressure yourself to meet the items and standards of this world. Set your eyes and heart on Him. Your character and your story will be between you and Him. Everything else will be a part of His favor for you.
Always seek for His word. He will be with you in all walks of life. Center Him in everything that you have. Make God the top reason for all the things that you will do. He sees you and notices you even when you are in a crowd. He knows you as you are and loves you unconditionally. Your flaws and your mistakes can never outnumber the reasons why He loves you. That is why no one can be a better version of you than yourself alone.

AMEN. True. I am born in a unique way, as God my creator, designed me for a purpose and I have my own destiny that is made already by God placed in my timeline. It is hard, but God is good and God loves me for I am despite my flaws and imperfections that made me who I am💙 AMEN.
Shine Rose
I’ve been into brokenness and I need this kind of encouragement. Thank you, its so helpful like me who have struggles within myself. I praise God and want to fully put my trust in Him and never rely on my own strength.