God can Heal the Deepest Wound in your Heart
No one really knows what it feels like to carry that pain in your heart except God. He witnessed everything. He was there. He was with you when you first encountered that event that destroyed the way you look at life. He knows the back story and the outcome. God is aware of everything that you’ve been dealing with. And if, by chance, you are wondering why He allowed those things to happen, then remind yourself that we all have free will. God may want us to experience the fullness of this life, but He usually gives us the freedom to choose. God gave you a chance to make your own decisions. And just like you, the people who caused you pain also have the right to follow their own will. Your wounds exist simply because imperfect humans have the right to choose what they want.
So instead of blaming God for what happened, choose to surrender the pain that you feel. Give up the desire to change your past. Because no matter how much you try to change the painful memories, you still don’t have the power to do it. But the good news is that God can absolutely transform the way you see things, including the most tragic moment that you experienced. If you just allow Him to move in your life, then you will slowly see His hands moving even in the midst of pain. If you are just humble enough to acknowledge Jesus as your Savior, then He will fill your heart with the kind of love that takes away all the hatred and bitterness inside.
The perfect love of God can heal your heart. He is not like humans. He doesn’t have any flaws or weaknesses. He doesn’t commit mistakes. He knows what He is doing. You may think that He allows things to happen just to punish you, but the truth is, they exist to strengthen you and lead you closer to His heart. You just need to stop relying on your understanding and begin to acknowledge His principles. If you just follow His wisdom, you will realize how important it is to listen to Him, behind every instruction that He gave us His divine protection. If you can only see what’s ahead, you will surely appreciate His ways.
The healing process is not always easy. Many times, the memories will flashback and pain will be there. But it’s not the kind of pain that will break your soul. Instead, the tears will wash away all the impurities inside. The brokenness you feel will eventually change how you see your wounds. Just imagine that God is taking away the necessary things that will hinder your healing. It will hurt at first, but soon it will make sense.