• Poem

    When you give

    Have the genuine heartTo give to the needyDo it secretlyYou don’t have to announce it Even how small it will beGod sees your motivesHe knows your heartAnd let Him reward you You are a vesselShare your blessingsGive what you canDo it for His kingdom Purify your thoughtsAlign it to HisSeek His willThen He will give you more God constantly providesSo have the heartGive it awayAnd let Him bless you

  • His Word

    Day 218 – 2 Corinthians 9:7

    Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7, NIV Choose to share the blessings that you have. Remember that you are blessed to become a blessing. Do not just think of satisfying yourself through the temporary pleasures of this world. Let God satisfy your heart. Offer to Him the things you have, and He will give you the love you need. His grace and mercy will compel you to help and love others. Pray that God will give you a generous heart that’s always willing to extend His blessings to…

  • Self Development

    Use The Little Things That You Have To Bless Others

    You don’t have to own everything to help others. You may think that what you have is not enough, but always remember that it’s not about the size or monetary value. It’s about having a heart that’s always willing to bless others with what you have. Sometimes, we define the blessings that we received as something that we can count and see. But then, there are a lot of great things in life that are not visible in the human eyes. Instead, you need to feel and cherish them. The joy and the faith in your heart are already great blessings. You can share it with others by simply reminding…

  • Self Development

    Those Who Experience Emptiness Will Be Able To Give More

    I was in the ATM Booth and waiting for my turn to withdraw some money. The waiting line was too long because the government already released the budget for the 4P’s beneficiaries. It’s a program that provides cash for the poorest of the poor in the Philippines. With so much excitement on their faces, the beneficiaries waited patiently to receive the cash they will spend for Christmas. Some don’t know how to operate the ATM machine, so they need to ask the guard to assist them. I was there observing the gladness in their faces as they receive the cash that they’ve been waiting for. One lady, in particular, caught…

  • His Word

    Day 111 – Proverbs 19:17

    Every time you give to the poor you make a loan to the Lord. Don’t worry—you’ll be repaid in full for all the good you’ve done. Proverbs 19:17, TPT Imagine that every help you extended to the poor is like you are also offering something for God. He will never waste all your efforts. He looks at your heart, and He appreciates the service that you did for others. God will repay you in His perfect timing.  Remember that His blessings are greater than what this world can offer to us. So continue to do good things, and do not be weary in serving others. Because you will reap the…

  • His Word

    Day 103 – Proverbs 11:25

    Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor. Proverbs 11:25, TPT Choose to bless the people around you. Always remember the goodness of God in your life. The blessings that He give to you are always meant to be shared. Most of the time, God will use us to become a vessel of His blessings. He will use our talents and resources so that we will be able to help other people who are in need. So never keep the blessings on your own. God will never stop providing…

  • His Word

    Day 83 – Proverbs 22:9

    When you are generous to the poor, you are enriched with blessings in return. Proverbs 22:9, TPT Learn to share your blessings. You will feel a different kind of happiness the moment you give. God will be the one who will bless you in return. He will make you feel what it means to truly share your riches here on earth. Remember that you can never carry your wealth when you die, so instead of keeping it for yourself, why not let others experience the goodness that God has been giving you all this time. The blessing that you receive is more meaningful the moment you learn to share it…

  • His Word

    Day 72 – Proverbs 11:24

    Generosity brings prosperity, but withholding from charity brings poverty. Proverbs 11:24, TPT Learn to share the blessings that you have. If you wanted to experience prosperity, then be generous. The more you give, the more you receive. That’s how the Kingdom of God works. Remember that the blessings that you received are meant to be shared. Imagine that it’s like seeds that will grow and become fruitful someday. The fruits of those seeds are something that your mind can never comprehend. One day, those people will also share the blessings that they have with others. Always remember that God sees everything that you are doing for Him, and He appreciates…

  • Self Development

    How You Receive Is How You Also Give

    Try to check your heart the moment you receive something from someone. Are you grateful enough? Or are you wondering why you receive such a thing and thinking about how to repay the person? Evaluate yourself because the way you react when you receive something will also be the state of your heart when you give or help someone. May you always feel grateful when you receive something from someone. May it be a simple help or a gift. Whatever it is that you have, I hope that you will receive it with all your heart without any question or doubt. Your intention matters most. When someone gives you something,…