• Self Development

    Sometimes, what Destroys you are the things Happening on the inside

    Maybe you feel so devastated because of the uncertainties around you, but sometimes, what’s going on inside is more important than what surrounds you. The way you look at yourself and how you deal with your wounds matters more than the problems you face. So focus on managing yourself, and you will learn to handle the different challenges you will encounter. Your heart’s status and the perspective you have will eventually destroy you if you do not align them to God. You can never control the situation around you. But the good thing is, you have the power to manage the things that are going on deep inside your heart.…

  • Poem

    Start Again

    Life will give you challengesYou will go through painBut if you fall on the groundThen, just start again When you feel so tiredAnd you wanted to take some restThen do it,Take a pause but do not stop Remember that with GodYou will always receive strengthYou will find the courage to start againEven if you committed mistakes There is still hopeIf you are still breathingThen, that means you can start againTake another step, and do not be afraid God’s light will guide youHis grace will sustain youKeep going and never forgetThat you can always start again

  • Relationship

    You Can’t Change People, but you can Change the Way you see Them

    No matter what you do, you can never change the difficult people around you. Transformation is a personal choice that they need to make. So stop blaming them for what happened in your life. It’s not about what people did to you, but it’s about how you see things. Yes, you can’t force someone to change their behavior, but you can absolutely change the way you see them. Ask God, and He will reveal to you how to love them. You need to open the eyes of your heart so that you will learn to value those people the way God did. It won’t be easy at first because you…

  • Self Development

    Stop Holding on to Something Familiar

    This life is full of uncertainties. That’s why people tend to hold on to something familiar to avoid pain and heartaches. But then the truth is, instead of avoiding pain, we unconsciously draw closer to it because that’s what seems to be familiar to us. We think that we already know the road that we are taking, and we remain at the place where we can predict what will happen. This is the danger of holding on to something familiar. God wants us to experience breakthroughs, but because we are afraid of change. We would rather remain where we are just to avoid the uncertainties in life. But sadly, change…

  • Self Development

    Don’t spend your Life Fighting for Things that are not Meant for You

    We all have dreams in our hearts, but sometimes, we try to follow the wrong path. We listen to what the world is saying instead of listening to God. The sad truth is we will only realize that what we are doing is all wrong the moment we feel unfulfilled inside. The harsh realities of life will teach us that certain things are not meant for us. Yes, it will hurt at first, but it’s part of the process. It’s better to know the truth than live a life that’s full of lies. So stop spending the rest of your time here on earth fighting for the desires that are…

  • Poem

    Imagine that You are on an Adventure

    You are traveling throughthe unknown road called futureAnd while you are going throughthe path called lifeYou realized thatthe adventure you are in is so uncertain You never know what’s aheadYou are cluelessabout what will happen nextAnd you don’t even knowWhen your trip will end While you are focusingon the obstacles in front of youYou failed to enjoy your adventureAnd while you are so worriedabout the broken path you are takingYou suddenly realizedthat you are at the end of your trip Soon, your journey will stopBecause you finally arrivedat your final destinationAnd as you recall your adventureYou learned that your trip on earthis too short Your life turned into memoriesAnd the…

  • Poem

    Different Seasons of life

    Life comes in different seasonsWe will experience winter,Spring, summer, and fallWe will all go through the processNobody is exempted WinterThis is the time when we need to pauseAnd reflect on lifeSome of us go through this seasonEspecially now that it is pandemic The crisis left us with no choiceBut to stay at homeAnd prepare ourselves for what will happen nextThis is the moment when we can applyWhat we learned in the pastAnd figure out how to move forward But this season will not lastBecause after this is the SpringIt’s the time when things beginTo bloom and flourishIt’s when you finally seeThe fruits of your plans It’s the season whereinYou experience…

  • Faith

    Go Back to the Place where you and God are so Connected

    The events of your life will sometimes take you to the place where you can no longer feel the presence of God. The way you deal with your problems may also hinder you from hearing His voice. If you feel like God is too far from you, go back to where it all started. Go to the place where you can feel His presence. Search your heart and try to figure out if you can still find God inside. Never allow your circumstances to hinder you from experiencing the love of God. If you know that what you are doing keeps you away from Him, then you need to stop…

  • Poem

    Truths about Life

    People will fail youAnd at some pointYou will also disappoint others Uncertainties are always thereThere are moments when they are manageableBut sometimes, they are too difficult to handle Pain does existAnd it happens whenPeople you love broke your heart Problems are always presentAnd how you deal with itLies in the way you see things Everything is temporaryYour life here on earth will not lastAnd seasons will change People will come and goOthers will choose to stayBut a lot of them are merely travelers These are the truths about lifeThis world is not perfectAnd it will not last forever

  • His Word

    Day 299 – Colossians 3:2

    Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2, NIv Stop focusing on your problems. Set your eyes on things above, and never allow the matters of this world to hinder you from experiencing the fullness of God’s love. Remember that everything in this world is temporary, and it will always change. That’s why, if you keep on holding on to what others can give, you will find yourself so broken. Choose to receive the heavenly things that God can offer to you. Focus on your faith and your relationship with God. He alone can give you the real treasures that you can take with you even…