Seek God’s Wisdom
Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe. Proverbs 28:26, NIV Before I met God, I often made decisions on my own. I made plans for myself and failed to consider other people. I trusted my own timeline. There are even times when I feel disappointed whenever my goals or expectations aren’t met. I wanted everything to be in control, and it led me to a lot of frustrations. After that, I realized that I had failed to acknowledge God throughout the process. I listened to my own voice instead of consulting Him. I chose to rely on my own understanding. I…
The Lord Weighs The Heart
A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart. Proverbs 21:2, NIV God knows your true motives. You may try to justify your actions based on what you know, and you may feel like you are doing the right thing, but God will look at your heart. He will check your desires and the factors that contribute to your decisions. This is the reason why we need God’s guidance. Sometimes, we are deceived by our selfish motives. We reason according to what we think is right. However, on the inside, our hearts desire something that will instantly fill the emptiness yet destroy us in…
When The People Around Us Experience The Consequences Of Our Bad Decisions
“Pick me up and throw me into the sea,” he replied, “and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you.” Jonah 1:12, NIV Jonah was a prophet who once disobeyed God’s instruction. He was commanded to go to the city of Nineveh and preach against it. But Jonah ran away and went to another place. He tried to flee from the Lord by riding a boat. But then, God sent a great wind on the sea and a violent storm. The sailors were so afraid. And then, they cast lots to know who’s responsible for the calamity. And the…
Romans 12:21, NIV
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21, NIV Always choose to love. You may not always control the negative things that happen in your life but do not allow the hatred to consume your heart. Surrender to God all the pain that you experienced. Allow Him to mend your wounds. Treat Him as your doctor, and let His love give you more than enough strength to do good. The enemy wants to kill, steal, and destroy. But Jesus wants to give you life. Follow Him, and His light will lead you to the future that He prepared. Let His goodness shine, and only then…
Remind yourself that God gave all of us the Freedom to Choose
God is not controlling. In fact, He gave all of us the freedom to choose. He may allow certain situations to happen in your life, but you can always manage your thoughts and reactions. You are not a robot. You are not programmed to do limited things. God already presented you with the resources that you need. And it’s your choice if you will use them or not. God has the power to transform your life, but He can’t do it if you won’t allow Him. He will never force you to do something you don’t want. His plans for you may be great, but you won’t experience them if…
Your Fears Appear so Attractive to the Enemy
Don’t magnify your fears because the very first thing that the enemy will do is use it to break you. Instead of focusing on the negative things, try your best to remember God’s great love and goodness. When you are so overwhelmed with indescribable fears, just call upon Jesus, and let His love consume your soul. Let Him be the God who can set you free. His perfect love alone can take away the fears in your heart. When you are filled with His presence, your fears can no longer reign. So, make a decision today. Will you allow the enemy to destroy you by thinking about your fears, or…
Growth Happens when you Reflect on the Consequences of your Decisions
There are events in your life that happened because of the decisions that you made. And unless you accept those situations as part of the outcome of your choices, then you won’t grow as a person. You need to acknowledge the results of your actions so that you will know the things that you can change in the future. The lessons may be hard to embrace, but if you keep on denying the things that you did wrong, then you won’t really see any transformation in your life. Be brave enough to admit the consequences of your decisions because that’s one of the best ways for you to be aware…
May you always take the Right Steps even if it Hurts
Doing what is right is not always easy, especially when you wanted to follow the will of God, which is different from the standards of this world. Sometimes, people will question your decisions. You will encounter so many hindrances along the way. You will also feel like a stranger because you do things in a unique way. But even if others can’t easily understand the steps that you chose to take, just remember that everything that you do for the glory of God will never be in vain. One day, you will see the fruits of your efforts and pain. Keep doing what is right in the eyes of your…
If you want to Grow, then try not to Pressure yourself to be Right all the Time
Everyday of your life, you’ll face situations wherein you need to choose. Like a default, you will always think of the right thing to do. Doing what is right seems to become your way of life. In the things that you are involved in, you can say that you did the right thing when the outcome matched the expectations but, you will sometimes label it wrong when it results in uncomfortable and painful situations. Well, it is not a surprise that doing what is right is what you should always think. It is a must, but there will be times in life when thinking always to be right will not…
Your Character is Shaped According to the Decisions that you Make
Your growth depends on the road that you choose to take. It’s not just about the circumstances that you face or about the people around you. Who you are depends on the choices that you make in your life. It means that you always have the power to change. God gave you the freedom to make decisions. He gave you the authority to take charge of yourself. Stop blaming others for the way you see things. Your surroundings don’t have the power to disturb you as long as you won’t allow them. You can choose how to think and react. You can determine your actions and do the things that…