John 15:17, NIV
This is my command: Love each other. John 15:17, NIV Love is not that easy to give, especially when your heart is breaking. It takes a lot of effort, and you need to let go of what you feel for you to fully give yourself away. You need to gain some strength so that you can open your heart and try to love again. It’s challenging, but you can do it with the help of God. You can only accept other people the moment you realize that God poured out undeserving grace in your life. Through His precious son Jesus, He showed you what it means to sacrifice for the…
Forgiveness is also a Process
It’s hard to forget the pain, especially when it comes from the people you dearly love and care for. This is the reason why you need to go through the process and learn to forgive. It’s not just a one-time, big-time decision that you need to make. It’s a constant declaration – an everyday decision. You need to face the impact of the mistakes that they made. Things won’t be easy but remember that real forgiveness is not about forgetting the pain but it’s about trusting that God will help you along the healing process. You forgive not just for the sake of the offender, but you do it to…
John 13:25, NIV
By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35, NIV People will know who we are by the love that we show to them. Jesus poured out His unfailing grace and mercy on us. He already gave us everything we needed. He equipped us to love and serve others. So instead of focusing on what’s wrong, choose to share the blessings that God gave to you. Freely offer to Him the things that you freely received. It may not always be easy, but remember that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. He will empower you to love…
The Lord can take away the Things or People that He freely Gave
God is sovereign. He created this world. He is powerful, and He can do all things. We must not forget who He truly is because if we don’t have any clue about what He did, we will have the tendency to own what He gave. You are living in a world where everything is borrowed, and that includes your life and the lives of the people you love. Please keep in mind that God determines what He will give to us, and He also decides when He will take them. Let’s not treat ourselves as if we deserve every blessing that He gave. Yes, we are His children, but we…
God knows why it Hurts
Your tears are meaningful to God simply because He knows the stories behind them. So if you think that nobody cares for you, then remember your Heavenly Father. He knows what you are going through. He is aware of the exact reasons behind your deepest wounds. You are not alone. God understands you. In fact, He knows you better than you know yourself. You may ask why it hurts so much, but He holds the answer. If you think you can no longer handle the pain, then cry it out to God, and He will give you the comfort and assurance you need. Stay in His arms and let His…
Day 455 – Luke 17:4
Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them. Luke 17:4, NIV Choose to forgive those people who hurt you. Remember how Jesus sacrificed His life just to show you that your sins are forgiven. So extend that grace to those who need it. Don’t keep what He gave just for yourself. Freely give what you freely receive from God. Do it also not for the sake of those people who hurt you, but treat it as a gift for yourself. When you forgive someone, it’s like you are also releasing yourself from the…
Be Grateful and you will see God’s grace even more
The grace of God will help you lead this life with courage and faith. It will help you build your inner strength to go on and be hopeful about the future. His grace sustains you. You have overcome things in this life, giving you total security and a feeling of safety. Grace will carry your difficult days and to more that life will offer. It will open your heart and help you accept your flaws, receive, and love yourself more. It will also allow you to see other people in your life. Finally, it will bless and give you things you never thought you would need. You are surrounded with…
Always Praise God no matter what Situation you are In
It is hard to bring our hearts to God when burdens become too heavy for us to carry. It becomes so hard for us to utter a word or two when all we can do is cry. There will be times in our lives when our burden becomes so overwhelming. We get lost and feel so broken as we do not know how to remove ourselves from a very uncomfortable and heavy feeling. Yet, one thing that stays with us is the greatness of God, even in the most unexpected things in life. Yes, He is still tremendous and mighty even though our situation bothers us so much. Let us…
Sometimes, the Best that you can do is Allow the Tears to Flow
We can’t always put into words everything that is going on in our hearts. Sometimes, all we can do is pour out all the pain inside and allow the tears to flow. The deepest pain is indescribable. Nobody can really understand it except God. So instead of carrying the burdens on your own, allow God to comfort you. Just cry out to Him, and you don’t even have to say anything. Your tears are powerful enough to show what’s in your heart. The angels are collecting them. God remembers the reason behind your tears. So don’t keep them. Surrender what you feel to God and accept that it’s part of…
Your Prayer is more about What you See than what you Say
Prayers are not just asking God to do what we want but more about believing in God’s grace and glory. It is about believing in His immeasurable power and wisdom. Our prayers are powerful. They hold our connection with the Father. However, it is not just a one-way dialogue. It is a communication wherein you need to listen. Prayers are not just for provisions. It is more than that. It is about how we grow in the presence of the Father and how we will obey Him. He listens to us genuinely. He understands why we utter the words that we did, what is living in our hearts, and what…