• His Word

    1 Corinthians 1:25, NIV

    For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 1 Corinthians 1:25, NIV No one can ever fathom the wisdom of God. There may be times when you feel like you know what you are doing, but you need to constantly consult Him. Simply because God is wiser. Humbly accept His corrections because He knows what’s best for you. Aside from that, rely on His strength because He will sustain you. Do not anchor yourself on a weak foundation. Go to God, and He will help you stand. He will give you the grace to overcome your problems. His…

  • His Word

    Acts 16: 29-30, NIV

    The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Acts 16: 29-30, NIV The jailer was able to ask this very important question to Paul and Silas because He witnessed a miracle that pushed Him to believe. Paul and Silas were brought into prison because of sharing God’s word. While there were staying there, they chose to worship and glorify God’s name. And then, an earthquake happened and opened the doors of the prison cell. The jailer woke up, and when he saw what had happened, he drew a sword…

  • Faith

    The Best Gift that you can Receive

    There’s this gift that God wants us to receive. It looks simple and ordinary, but in reality, it is so expensive. It’s something that the world can never give. It’s something that comes from heaven. This gift will take you to eternity. But the sad truth is not everyone is willing to receive this precious gift. Some would hesitate. Maybe because they are scared that it might fail them in the end. Maybe they just don’t have the faith to receive it, just like how a kid would welcome a new friend. This gift is so valuable. It was bought at a price that we could never repay. He is…

  • His Word

    Acts 8:4, NIV

    Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4, NIV The apostles and the disciples of Christ experienced great persecution that caused them to be scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. But even though they went through suffering, they never stopped preaching God’s word. They introduced the good news wherever they went. They didn’t let themselves be discouraged and feel weary. Instead, it caused them to expose the gospel to a wider audience. Just like the apostles, we also went through unexpected events that will either weaken or strengthen our faith. But let’s remember what they did before. They didn’t allow their emotions and fear to reign.…

  • Faith

    Dear God, Please give me the strength to hold on to your Promises

    This life is not easy, Lord. Many times, I’m easily tempted to give up, especially when I experience pain in life. I am not a superhero who can solve all my problems. But even if I have limitations, I know that I can ask for some strength from you. So this is the cry of my heart. Please teach me how to hold on to your words, especially in the midst of the storm. I just find it so difficult to believe in your promises when negative things surround me. It seems so impossible. But even if I can’t see them yet, please give me the courage to still believe.…

  • His Word

    Day 421 – Luke 8:12

    Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. Luke 8:12, NIV The enemy can easily take away the word of God in your heart. He can destroy the way you see things and make you believe in His lies. So if you want to stay rooted in His presence, then keep His words and don’t stop praying. Shield His promises with prayers. Rely on God’s power and not on your own efforts and strengths. Call upon His name and let Him give you the wisdom that you…

  • His Word

    Day 170 -Psalms 119:28

    My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. Psalms 119:28,NIV When you are in pain, just come to God and talk to Him. Share to Him the things that are bothering you. He is your great comforter. He understands your heart, and He will strengthen your soul according to His word. Stay close to His arms. Do not depend on your own strength. Call upon God, and you will find rest in His arms. He can completely restore you. He can heal what’s broken. Connect to Him, and He will send help. Read your Bible so that you will be reminded about His promises. Keep them…

  • Faith

    If you want to Know God more, then Read the Scriptures

    Knowing God takes time. It will not happen instantly. You need to go through the process and let your relationship with Him grow stronger as time passes by. And you can only encounter more of Him if you learn to open the Bible and read His words. It takes consistency and commitment. You need to remind yourself every single day about His great love and power. You will know who He truly is if you allow Him to speak through the Bible. Treat it as your manual in life. Never begin the day without communicating to Him. Let Him be the center of your life, and you will be blessed.…