• His Word

    The Tent Of The Upright Will Flourish

    The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. Proverbs 14:11, NIV Sometimes, we tend to boast about the life we built despite the bad things we did. We put our trust in things that are temporary instead of relying on God. But in this verse, we are reminded that the righteous will flourish in the end. The wicked may appear to live in a house or a secure place, but in the end, they will be destroyed. Their foundation won’t last long. That’s why let’s choose to do good and be kind to others. Let’s do the right thing in the eyes…

  • Self Development

    Use the Circumstances around You to Grow and Flourish

    Whether it is good or bad, bitter or sweet, joy or sadness, sickness or health, whatever season you are in, you always have the chance to grow and prosper. Everything that happened in your life has a purpose. Most of the time, you won’t appreciate them especially when you still feel the pain, but later on, you will realize the lessons behind those difficult moments. So don’t be disappointed if you go through so many problems because that means God is giving you the chance to learn more about Him. Your circumstances will push you to do the things you’ve never done before. It gives you the chance to step…

  • Faith

    God Can Do Great Things from your Small Acts of Obedience

    God can turn your small deeds into incredible things. With a simple act of obedience, He can change your life around. Start by feeding your soul with His word when you wake up in the morning. Talk to Him and listen to His message for you. Ask for understanding and enlightenment. His teachings and commands will help you decipher your decisions in life. Through it, you will have the kind of wisdom that you need in your journey. Treat His word and His preachings as your daily bread. You may not experience a direct change in your life, but He promise you that greater things will unfold as long as…

  • His Word

    Day 288 – Proverbs 14:11

    The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. Proverbs 14:11, NIV If you think that God is unfair, then always remember this verse. He will flourish the house of the upright and destroy the house of the wicked. You may not see it now, but one day, you will see the hands of God in the lives of the righteous. So choose to abide in His will and keep pleasing Him even when no one is watching. Let your integrity be rooted in His love. Doing what is right may sometimes be difficult, especially when you are surrounded by wicked people, but…

  • Poem


    DarkHiddenBuriedPlanted Like the seedsThe sower scatteredYou are one of thoseWho are secured inside His shadows WaitHold onBe patientKeep the faith One dayYou will growYou will prosperYou will see the world Your leaves will slowly sproutYour roots will be strongerAnd no storms in lifeCould ever destroy your faith Time will comeWhen you will bloomIn His presenceYou will flourish

  • His Word

    Day 141 – Psalms 92:12

    The righteous will flourish like a palm tree they will grow like cedar of Lebanon. PsaLms 92:12, NIV The righteous will flourish. It means that they will grow and prosper in the arms of God. They will bear fruit, and they will live an abundant life. No matter what storm they face, they will stay deeply rooted in the house of God. They will not be easily shaken, and they will continue to bloom no matter how many problems they face. God’s people will keep growing even in the midst of difficulties. So choose to do the right thing. Follow Him and His instructions. Please Him and not the people…